How can an average dog owner distinguish between not-so-serious cases and ones that require a trip to the vet? It's not easy, but here are some basic guidelines:
*Duration: Many cases will resolve on their own in a day or two, but if the problem continues for a week or more, it's time for a vet's advise.
*Age of the dog: It can lead to dehydration and a depletion of nutrients, which can be devastating for the very young or the elderly.
*Other symptoms: Many dogs will be their own happy, bouncy selves during a bout of the runs. If they seem lethargic or feverish, have no appetite, or show such signs of distress as pain or vomiting, you should seek professional help.
*Appearance: Visible blood or dark tarry color suggests internal bleeding, and you should seek professional help.
Taking your fur baby to the vet for every little thing can be costly in both time and money, which is sometimes hard on owners. Here are some things to try at home, that may help.
Withholding food for 12 to 24 hours, and providing water in small amounts frequently, can clear the cause of the upset and allow the gastrointestinal tract to settle. Be sure that your dog is healthy enough to endure a short fast.
Cures from the Cupboard:
After a fast, food is usually introduced slowly and many people start with binders, which have the power to ease the symptoms. Some tried and true methods include:
- Rice water. Boil high-quality rice in a lot of water, separate out the grains, and offer the dog the creamy white soup that’s left. A splash of broth or a bit baby food will make it more palatable for dogs who will refuse to drink it straight.
- White rice
- Canned pumpkin (plain, not prepared pie filling) has the odd distinction of being effective for diarrhea and constipation.
- Yogurt, which has beneficial bacteria, can help in dogs who can tolerate milk and milk products.
- Herbs, such as fennel, have gut-soothing properties.
I hope some of these tips can help! If you have a question or comment, please leave it here, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. If I don't know the answer to your question, I will do my best to get it for you. And if you're not signed up to "follow" or are not "subscribed" to this blog, please do so on the upper right corner of the page. Then, you'll get the automatic updates in your email. Thanks, again, and as always, .. .. .. ..
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